How indeed do people make it through like without a sister. i miss mine so keenly tonight i can hardly breathe. I pray that she is safe, that she is happy, that no harm befalls her beautiful head. I am starting to tear up at the thought of her name: Brittany. I started keeping a "Rori" box for Britt. In "Gilmore Girls" there was an awful spell when Lorelai and Rori weren't speaking. So everytime there was something Lorelai wanted to tell Rori she wrote it down and put it in a box so she would remember to tell her when things we well again. I just miss my sister. I know without a doubt she is where she needs to be but there is a whisper in my soul that doesn't care and just want her here to tell me I am sitting to close to Matt or that I am driving too fast. November 10th

Enjoy these lovely sister quotes
You can kid the world. But not your sister. ~Charlotte Gray
What's the good of news if you haven't a sister to share it? ~Jenny DeVries
If your sister is in a tearing hurry to go out and cannot catch your eye, she's wearing your best sweater. ~Pam Brown
There can be no situation in life in which the conversation of my dear sister will not administer some comfort to me. ~Mary Montagu
Sisters don't need words. They have perfected a language of snarls and smiles and frowns and winks - expressions of shocked surprise and incredulity and disbelief. Sniffs and snorts and gasps and sighs - that can undermine any tale you're telling. ~Pam Brown