Please meet the newest member of my family and my better half: Emaline

Isn't she the cutest? I am thoroughly enamored. She really is my better half, slightly thinner (and slightly more well-endowed) But we can forgive her that. Because she is just precious. Every time I walk by I have to stop myself from giving her a hug (sometimes I just can't stop myself)
I got her on ebay and named her the moment I knew she was on her way. Matt hates the name Emaline. He say's it's weird and he's never heard it. He asked if I have ever met anyone named Emaline. I say "Not in real life" But hello what about Emaline Harris from Anne of Green Gables. Emmeline March from Thirteenth Tale. It doesn't matter anyways she is mine and mine alone. I can hardly wait to make a dress with her.
It has occurred to me that she must also be much cuter than I am because people are not walking up and hugging me all the time. But I really don't think I would like if they did.
Anyways , now you are up to date and I finally get to use the name Emaline because apparently Matt won't let us name our child that. Hmmph