So it was already late and there is no school tomorrow after all... I grabbed my blanket and a movie to burrow into the bonus room and just be. I needed a good cry, a good sappy movie that would allow me to empty everything. I put on you've got mail. I always cry when she talks about her store closing. She says " Soon we'll just be a memory. In fact, someone, some foolish person will probably think it's a tribute to this city, the way it keeps changing on you, the way you can never count on it, or something. I know, because that's the sort of thing I'm always saying. But the truth is, I'm heartbroken. I feel as if part of me has died, and my mother has died all over again, and no one can ever make it right. " Sigh one of my favorite movies. Another good part is her email to him after he doesn't show. oh I always love a good tragedy unless it is me. They are such terrible things to endure. Even the smallest heartache makes you never want to love or trust someone again. To never let yourself be that open. But I was not born to be a pessimist. I may pretend I am sometimes, but then if I took enough sociology classes I might turn into a feminist. Well enough. I don't know why I allow myself to listen to dashboard confessionals and watch chick flicks, but honestly there is something just good for the soul.
Good night sweet void.
I love the way you write--you should write more
Megan Gillming I have made a blog but more importantly the last line of this entry is sheer brillance.
I don't think you were born a pessimist. BUT you said you don't want sad endings for yourself.I am not sure that is entirely true....... see you soon
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