Meet Emily's horse : Joey

Joey loves children. Loves nothing more than going around and around in circles for pony rides. But he does not like anyone to follow him because he is a kicker. Hence Emily rides behind me. Overall a very charming horse.
Meet My horse : Ringo

Ringo does not love walking on the path. He wants to be an adventure horse. Trails are lame to him. He wants to walk up the steep ridge on the side of the trail. No one is quite sure why he does this.
Things to know
1. The horse in front of me hates to walk fast so if you let him , as the boy who is riding him does, he will walk 10 speeds slower than a snail but suddenly he will realize all his friends are way ahead of him and he will trot to catch up.
2. These horses are not allowed/trained to trot.
3. While trotting is rather fun, running while going down a steep gully is not fun.
So we are running down a steep gully. I am pulling on the reigns as hard as humanly possible but it doesn't matter anyways , he looses his footing. His large horse head falls to the ground as we tumble and fall to the left. Ringo in all this horse glory is now laying on my leg. I say "Oh God!". I take my hands and free leg and try to push him off (which he probably didn't even feel) and he got up when he was ready.
I jumped up and ran away from said horse. Shaking my ankle, my leg. Nothing broken, nothing bleeding. Amen. Trail leaders are now trying to gauge if I will try to sue them. Joey walks over and nuzzles me like the sweet dear he is. I get back on Ringo's back and we head home. It's funny my heart didn't have time to speed up and freak out. It was just in slow motion and then it was over. I am super achey on my left side and bruised on my shin but overall alive and well.
Aparently this is rather common because this video is pretty much what happened to me. Only difference add a steep gully and I say "Oh God" instead of "Oh S**t"
I laughed out loud! lol fo real!
Anyways the reason it was so funny is because I could tell how excited you were to right it cause your grammar got so bad when the story got real good. I'm not making fun. I was smiling and excited commenting and Shawn pointed out how I said you instead of how. Anyways I love the description of the horse!
I hope this teaches you.... Never ride a horse again. They are just to big. Remember the horse that bit peggy's leg in hawaii? They don't like a million different people riding them. The only exception is if you get your own exclusive horse, a "Flicka" per say. They, according to movies, love you unconditionally and understand your thoughts.
I am mortified. I wrote it when I woke up this morning at 7 am full of inspiration and on rereading it now...
It reminds me of a line from "The Importance of Being Earnest"
Cecily- "The three letters you wrote me after I broke off the engagement are so beautiful and so poorly spelled even now I can hardly read them without crying a little."
Ahh well If you can't laugh at yourself.
Good grief! I'm glad you're okay...Seems you Gillmings are accident prone around the 4th of July...Perhaps you should consider visiting a cotton factory or pillow pile next year....
I was so caught up in your story I didn't even notice your typos, which is saying a lot since I notice that kind of stuff all the time!
Also, I'm glad that the Bree Tanner book was better than you expected...I'm next, right?!?
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