**Enter creepy music**
It comes in the night...
Knocking things over and moaning in pain
There is one thing it wants
And one thing it always gets
If you are lucky, you'll be asleep
But in the morning you'll find proof it was there...
Du Du Dum... Return of the Half Eaten Pudding Cup Monster
You are perplexed. It is only natural when confronted with an abomination such a this
You wonder :Why does it eat only a few bites and leave the remnants strewn about the house?
a. Is the pudding bad?-----------No it's delicious chocolate pudding
b. Is the monster trying to share?--------No because the pudding goes bad laying "strewn about the house"
c.Is it a booby trap laid for other monsters? If the other half drugged? No and No. There are no other monster indigenous to this region.
Does the monster ever come out in the day?
a. Sometimes but its extremely rare
Alright it's time you knew before you discovered it on your own...
I'm the Half Eaten Pudding Cup Monster. :(
"Why?" You ask wailing and clutching your heart.
A million reasons but one at a time
I eat pudding when I'm having a very bad migraine.
Not enough? Gosh who are you the question police?
I eat pudding because I'm so nauseous from the pain I can't stand and I need to eat something when I take my serious pain pill to make it stop.
Why pudding? Why at night? There are like a million things you could eat instead. Pudding involves all the hassle of a spoon.
a. That was two questions. You, cheater.
b. Pudding can successful be eaten with my eyes closed.
c. Pudding is dense enough that I can eat it in the reclined position with my eye mask on.
d. My years of dental hygienist-ing have given me excellent hand eye coordination so I am mostly successful.
Why only half?
a. Because I'm super nauseous and I can only choke down half.
Matt is extremely tolerant of the Half Eaten Pudding Cup Monster. It helps he doesn't have a great love of pudding and has a great love of staying alive.
I had hoped to never transform into this monster again...
But I've been in a bad spell since Sunday. I feel like I'm living on a hairpin. Stray but a little...
So keep your pudding cups close... You've been warned.
But I've now got a membership at Massage Envy (That will be my magic. I'm sure of it) We won't discuss how much this magic costs...
Books I have read recently
- Shirley by Charlotte Bronte — I'm reading a giant biography of the Brontes "Wild Genius on the Moors" By Juliet Barker (amazing!! but I'll post on that when I finish) So I'm reading each novel as it's discussed in the book. I loved Shirley. I have to agree with the critics that it is a slow painful start and it does take about 150 pages till we meet the title character Shirley. But besides that, it is so well written. Caroline Helstone’s angst is beautiful and poignant. And knowing that the last third of the book was written after Emily & Anne died explains so much about the change in the book. Charlotte likes to fix her world by writing about it and in her version the sick heroine recovers where her sisters did not. I definitely recommend Shirley for the Bronte fan. Don’t skip it.
- A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas --- It took me a couple chapters to really dive in but after that I was in love. I had read somewhere that it was based on Beauty & the Beast, which is great. What I did not know is that it is a retelling of one of my favorite fairytales: East of the Sun, West of the Moon!!! What a treat when I discovered that. I love that story. It's whimsical and the girl saves the day which I love love love. Sarah does a beautiful job of it and I can't wait for the next one!!
- Miss Buncle’s Book by D. E. Stevenson —What a little treat. My mom gave these books to me for my birthday and there are so much fun. It’s a light easy read and it made me chuckle.
- Shadow Study by Maria V. Snyder— I adore her soul finder books. I’ve been reading them for years. She builds beautiful strong women and sweeping romance. Her magic system is unique and I want to live in her world.
- The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr and E. B. White — A must read for every writer. Thanks to Stephen King for the recommendation. It has all those little things that I had questions about and answered them quickly and succinctly. It’s not the funnest read but it’s helpful.
- Click of Titles to go to the book's Amazon page
You are funny even in extreme pain!!
Dear Father, may the pudding moster never need to make another appearance ever. You are the great Healer, so we ask you to heal Megan from her pain once and for all. Amen
Dearest cousin - you poor thing! I'm praying you don't need to become the pudding monster anymore! (at least you are in time for halloween!) Love you!
I tried to laugh but I just feel so bad that you still feel bad. Loved all the questions though
Oh, Meg! You are a hilarious writer and I'm so sorry that these darn migraines have to be the source of this hilarity! Thanks for the information...and to answer YOUR question, no, I am not the question police! :)
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