"How so?" He asks
"It feels really full and hurts when I look up or down. But not like vertigo... Like a head full of bees."
"Maybe it's your sinuses. Mine felt like that when I had a sinus infection."
"Did it feel like a head full of bees."
"Then this is not the same thing because anyone who had this would say 'Yes Megan it does feel exactly like a head full of bees'"
So these bees, are really fussy. Especially when I bend up and down repeatedly, like doing laundry. Bending down to grab a shirt, reaching up for a hanger, Back down to put the shirt on the hanger... You get the drift.
This is a very unfortunate new development. I wish things would just stay the same kind of awful. I hate these new tricksy kinds.
Things have been bad lately.
Here is a fancy chart to illustrated.

Just so we are all on the same page. High Level Migraines (LV 8-10) are bad. We want that number to go smaller.
Notice how it has obstinately gotten bigger. It must be the bees.
So Matt and I have hypothesized that maybe these evil bees are making/misplacing? my ear stones.

After watching Pushing Daisies (The best show ever on television after Gilmore Girls, may they rest in peace) , I was all like "Matt I want a bee hive. I'll make honey. And the bees will love me. I'll be just like Chuck, Charlotte Charles, except I won't be undead."
Matt said "Hmm We'll think about it dear."
There may or may not have been feet stamping involved, we don't need to go into the specifics.
So I'm not sure how I did it but I've got my bees. Ha Matt!
This is not turning out how I envisioned it. Maybe you should make me more pies :)
So I start with an acupuncturist soon. I am now entering Phase Yellow of my migraine treatment plan.
Bob Allen told me to pick one with "slanty eyes and yellow skin." And of course I did that. I think Dr. Ling fits the bill. I'll keep you posted.
Phase Aqua starts in two weeks when I get a new neurologist. And force them to poke me with Botox.
...Living the Dream But in good news, surprisingly cold cucumber slices help me feel better for like 30 mins! Yeah! And it smells lovely.
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