I meant to upload as we went but Matt's iPad did not get along with Blogspot.
Universal Studios Tour of Harry Potter. The actual sets, props, and costumes they used in the movies.
Me hailing the Knight Bus
Petting Buckbeak. The night before we went to HP Studios I had a dream that Buckbeak was really and I freed him from the Studios. So when I went to pretend to pet him he moved and for a second I thought "Buckbeak is a alive! My dream was true" But alas he was just a robot programed to move every couple minutes :(
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes!! OMG!
The Palace of Versailles
The Gardens
There is this bridge right behind Notre Dame that is covered in "Love Locks". You each kiss the lock, then kiss each other and make a love wish. Then you throw the key in the river. Corny but fun!
Eiffel Tower at night!
Sweet precious Sebastion!!!
Having a rest at the top of the hill near the castle.
Having a treat on the beach.
Stupid mosquitos!!!! My face got all swollen.
Matt & Flat Jake on the Rialto Bridge in Venice
"Il Domo" The Church
Santa Maria del Fiore
The Trevi Fountain
On the stage at the Colosseum!!!!
We went into the "Wedding Cake" Palazzo Venenzia
Really pretty view from the top.
*Note* Seagulls are very aggressive lol
Well there you go. Europe in 24 pictures. Just enough for you to get a taste.
Thanks for looking.
Absolutely lovely!! I want more pictures! :)
Did you try and find the Leaky Cauldron? I know they say all the things are props from the movie - but I know deep down that it all real. It's all based on some reality that we can't see!
Your trip looked amazing!
You are standing where Hadassah stood! And who looks that pretty when all bitten up by mosquitoes. Thanks, life for being so fair.
^^ that was me....Brittnee Lynch
I feel like I went on the trip with you. Great pictures. I am so glad you made the effort to go while you could.
I thought about Hadassah the whole time! Thanks for saying I looked pretty, I think I scared small children.
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