As I scan the table all too aware of the pieces that are missing, one finally catches my eye. I place it in and it fits so perfectly. For a moment I smile but as i lean back to admire my work, I realize that getting one piece in made me so aware of the 200 other piece that are yet to be placed/found. The joy is sucked out immediately and I soon forget I found a piece at all. I wish I could enjoy the small successes for just a little while longer. Long enough for a smile to fully form. Maybe next week. But you know what does make me happy?
Matthew James Allen
My sister, my joy
chocolate ice cream/gelato (both in one day)
Clean laundry
and last but certainly not least my dearest, most beloved, world traveling N'yder. How I love her. No one knows my soul like she. But will she forgive me?
Oh my sister, my joy. how i adore thee
I have a huge goofy smile on my face! I feel so priviledged! (sp?)
P.s. Thanks for the emphasis on the second "n" in Jenn. Hehe
excuse me I think something is missing from your list........
of course. Mudd I could never be mad at you. Your too little.
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