I have been to a couple weddings lately and they leave me with a odd taste. It is difficult to explain if you don't feel it. I do not want to be married tomorrow but I want to be in that place in time tomorrow. Confusing? Basically I want to get in a time machine and have my wedding be now. This is going to sounds terrible but I almost don't want anyone to get marrried until I do. It's only fair, right? Shouldn't everyone have to have a long term/ long distance relationship before thet are ready to get married. It's only fair that everyone else should have such a epic struggle/ battle to keep love alive as we have had. I know it's not but some couples just seem to have it so easy. But this is me being dramatic and silly. I am so happy for my dear friends who have been recently wed. I wish them more happiness that they can imagine. I do not wish time to hurry. As contradictory as this sounds, I am not ready to be married. I have not started planning a wedding and I will not for some time. I do want to be done with school though. I know when that day comes it will be with perfect timing. Just some rambling from a girl.
P.S. The title of te blog is said in a Homestar Runner voice "weddings are weird".
hahaha Weddings ARE Wewhered! Love you more than life!
you dont ramble mud. Every word is like poetry that awakens my dreary slow from romanticless slumber haha love ya
Have you read my novela yet????
sorry I meant soul not slow........hmmmmm
I don't think u are being a silly girl with rambled words-- I think u make perfect sense.
AWESOME picture haha i just noticed it......
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